To Learn Arabic online is very challenging, but with the right team, learning a new language can be a fun experience.
One-on-one online Arabic classes
At KALIMA, the best way to learn Arabic is to be attentive to the words and to have fun; our One-on-one online Arabic classes are tailored and chosen upon every student’s need. With us your child gets to take Arabic courses in the most happy and fun way, where he/she enjoys knowing more about this intriguing yet interesting language. The three main courses we focus on to Learn Arabic are the Arabic Language itself, Arabic Reading and Arabic Writing.
Interactive activities

Our approach to learn to read Arabic and to write Arabic is as follows;
we firstly use a lot of visuals to grab the attention of the student especially that the Arabic language can be tricky if the student gets bored.
We also use puppet shows, drawing, dancing and other fun and interactive activities to keep the students engaged.
One of the most loved activities is creating stories, where the child gets to Learn to Speak Arabic, and also he/she will be able to come up with fully booked stories from their weave imagination.
To Learn Arabic Online we also rely a lot on the support of the parents without whom the child cannot enjoy this online learning.
Learning the Arabic language online should not be assigned to school based learning, on the contrary, when you enroll your child at KALIMA, you will be giving him/her a chance to become a more independent person.