Mother's day gift

The greatest Mother’s day gift

Learn your language through success

Agatha Christie once said “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity; it dates all Things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” And we at Kalima had our share of strong mothers that have conquered all sorts of challenges to give their kids the best of all when it comes to learning and acquiring new skills. We have always believed in our students and their talent, but without the motivation and patience and most importantly the perseverance of their mothers we wouldn’t have reached our target. A mother’s day gift doesn’t always mean physical things; it could be simply the warmest hug and the most tender kiss on the head as a symbol of thanks to what she does for us repeatedly and happily.

We recall the story of two of our star students, the story of Julia and Karim, a brother and a sister who have a Lebanese mother and a French father and they reside in France. Their mom is the true Lebanese resilient mom, who believes that no matter where we are in this world, we should always remember our heritage and keep our language alive. She has tried every imaginable thing for her two kids to learn the basics of Arabic at least but failed at all attempts. She has brought them books, spoke Arabic to them EVERYTHING but in vain. But she never gave up on neither her kids nor her dream of teaching them this beautiful and exotic language, and this is where we played that major role in their lives especially with everything that is happening around and the fact that we are an online platform for learning Arabic and made the impossible possible.

We never believed in the idea of strict techniques of teaching the language we hold dear in our hearts, we have always fought hard to defend the Arabic language and to prove that it is a fun and a very interesting language to learn and pass on from a generation to another. One of our signature techniques, particularly because we teach Arabic online and especially with kids that are not really into the Arabic language or if we can say with kids who weren’t taught to love this language is none other than “fun ways to learn”, by this we mean that we at Kalima and through the screen work using fun techniques, games, songs and even role playing. We always encourage our students to include fun and game in their learning. When trying to learn something we try to include it in a story concept, we teach it in a song or a drawing which ends up being memorized by kids and even recognized at first sight!

This is exactly what we did with Julia and Karim, we learned from them and gave them a love for the Arabic language in return. But this wouldn’t have happened without the perseverance and insistence of the mother for her kids to learn. She in fact never missed a session; she was always there in the back cheering her kids and being all joyful for their success. And the two little kids were able to repay her strong convictions and her strength by overcoming their fear of learning one of the hardest languages there is as well as wanting to know more and including this language in their everyday life.

For all moms and strong women out there, we thank you for being you, for always having our backs and for never losing hope and most importantly being with us all along the way.


Happy Mother’s day

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