four skills in the Arabic language

The benefits of testing the four skills in the Arabic language

Did you know that the word “Love” in the Arabic language has around 14 words that describe it? Yes you’ve read that right FOURTEEN and at Kalima we make sure that your kids will learn to love the Arabic in the most fun and interactive way! We’ve got 4 skills to enrich and work on when learning any new language, but when it comes to Arabic those skills are twice as strong as any other given the fact that the Arabic language contains unavailable letters in the western alphabet.

The first skill and the most important one is the Listening Skill. This skill is considered to be one of the first things a person does from hour zero of his life. When you listen carefully your brain absorbs the information and stores it in a place in case it needs to use it at a later stage. Given the fact that we are an online teaching platform this skill comes in very handy, because our students need to LISTEN to us in order to perform better and speak the language at ease. Also as you may know by now we use singing and music which falls under the category of listening, and it has proved to be a strong technique to learn the language.

After listening comes the Speaking Skill. Once you hear a word you can mimic it and repeat it, therefore you end up speaking. The easiest most efficient technique would be repeating words. And the fact that most of our students are very young kids, and some do like to copy and repeat what they hear, we make use of this and help them learn Arabic words as per their once “annoying” habit.

Once you have acquired the skills of listening and speaking, you are now capable of working on your Reading Skill; why? Well because you have now learned to hear and speak a word which will be a big plus for you to be able to read. Being able to read is an ability that is very much crucial for one to move forward in his life. When we say reading, it could be the reading of a visual if we can say, and once you can “read a visual” and know what we are talking about and naming the visual in Arabic means you have passed to the next skill that happens to be an important skill and that is the skill of writing

The Writing Skill, is the 4th fundamental skill that consists of knowing the above 3 skills as it works on them all, let us tell you how. First you heard the sound of the letter, then you spoke it out loud, you then saw how it is written, then you practiced writing it with your hands. By doing this exercise you make sure you have acquired the needed skills to move forward.

With us at KALIMA, be assured that your child will be using all those skills and learning as well as mastering a new language in the most fun and addictive way. Contact us today through Instagram or facebook or through our website to book your session and hop on an amazing online learning journey.

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