Arabic Learning

The Adventurous Journey that is the Arabic Learning

Arabic has always been known to be one of the hardest languages after Chinese and Japanese or such. And for a fact, it has been classified as a “not so fun” language to learn. But did you know that the Arabic Language is the 5th spoken language in the world, and did you know that the UNESCO has chosen December 18th to be The National Day for the Arabic Language, which shows us how important this language has become, and we can say that the world’s view on this “mistreated” language has somehow changed to the better. Today we will take you on a virtual trip to show you the adventurous journey that is Arabic learning.  

For as long as we can remember Arabic has been the “wicked” language that everyone avoids because first and foremost Arabic writing is done from right to left when all the languages of the world are from left to right! It also gives the impression that it is neither fun nor easy to learn, but contrary to those “false vibes” Arabic can be a loved language and an easy one. When you speak French you have the basic skills to learn Spanish or Italian or such languages. When you’re an American/English speaker you are surely capable of communicating with the whole wide world given that English is an international language. But when you learn Arabic, you learn to set challenges and goals and reach them, for instance, on the contrary of western letters, the Arabic alphabet has phonetics different and pronunciations that you cannot find in other alphabets, and we at KALIMA strongly believe in this old Arabic saying “you should never give up, for you run the risk of doing so just as you are about to succeed” and the moment you are capable of speaking Arabic, be sure that you are someone very much dedicated and who doesn’t allow anything to come in their way.

The importance of teaching our kids Arabic and how we can make it feel like an adventure

A child’s brain is like a sponge; it absorbs and stores a lot of information during the first years of his/her life. The more you teach the child, the more he is taking in and saving inside the brain. All children are born clever and they know how to get away with things, and it is for us adults and particularly for parents to make them love and accept a new language, especially multicultural parents. 

For kids with middle-eastern parents whose Arabic is the first language, the child needs to know his/her background and culture. Our teachers at KALIMA know how to let your child enjoy every second of every session he/she has with us. Do you want to know why? Well simply because we make it seem like he/she is going on an adventure and he/she is in charge of all the steps by one-on-one online Arabic classes. We like to integrate creation and storytelling in our teaching methodology. We allow the child to go above and beyond in his imagination to come up with a one-of-a-kind story that he has created from scratch. 

Contrary to everything that has been said throughout the past 3 years, the world of Online Learning has made life easier for us as it has changed the world’s vision on so many things. Learning through a screen is allowing the child to concentrate more and be interactive more than being in a classroom, because they are learning Arabic lessons online through something that is of interest to them which is a screen and they are in their own space and their room, surrounded by their toys and their parents, and the sessions are happening at the child’s convenient time and not implemented on him as kids fear and dislike having to learn something based on a schedule or not during their happy times.

Given that most of our students are kids; our teaching techniques vary from storytelling to singing songs and making use of so many visuals. But most importantly is the fact that we love to motivate those kids and allowing them to be very independent is finding a lot of success and all our students are always eager to know more and learn more Arabic lessons online. Being parents ourselves we know how kids work and what they want and when they want to learn, and we always let them have a say in the session, we allow them to prove themselves and show that they can be leaders, and we use a lot of communication and verbal techniques which will allow them to be more secure and builds their self-esteem. 

Few points to know about Arabic for the bright future of kids

  • If someone knows Arabic in addition to other languages, he/she is surely ranking high in finding suitable jobs abroad
  • Speaking and writing fluent Arabic is the key to a bright future in the business field as it opens the door for working in the gulf regions and the middle-east
  • It is rich and rewarding to add a “difficult” language to our bucket of things we know
  • The people who speak and know Arabic are more likely open and accepting of other cultures and mentalities. 

A promise we make to you dear parents is that we will make you as well as your child love a language that has proved to be as important as any other. Contact us today and book your sessions.

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