Learning a new language

Start your 2022 by learning a new language

The moment the clock hits 12h am on November 1st, many people around the world start writing down their New Year resolutions, some happen to be classified as “easy to achieve” while others may be a little out of the box and “unrealistic”, but we are always avid of changing the impossible into possible, especially that we at KALIMA have the knowhow of making our students love one of the hardest language to ever exist, this being said, we recommend to add Learning a new language as one of those new year resolutions. What do you think? In this blog we will show you why we believe this to be an added value to you and to your kids.

With everything that is happening around the world and the lockdowns that have dominated our everyday lives, in addition to the fact that the world of the online have marked itself as being the most important thing to do in order to attempt to stay safe and not to forget the times our kids have spent in front of the screen, why not think of doing something interesting and educational through the same screen instead of only watching YouTube videos for instance?  Let me explain, the internet is a whole new world, and it gathers a lot of information that seems to be right and correct, but it also happen to be not sufficient for us to be considered highly aware of a certain thing. It’s true that on the internet we can also manage to learn a new language, but are you sure you’re doing it correctly, and speaking the right way?! If you enroll with us we can guarantee you fun, education and much more than this.

We have had several people coming at us and praising our teaching techniques, especially that Arabic happens to be considered as a hard language as it gathers lots of sounds that aren’t available in English or French for example, in particular that those who require our help and guidance are expats that believe that their kids need to know their mother language. What makes us special also is the fact that we do one on one tutoring sessions, which gives the student all his/her time with the tutor teaching them, and of course this gives the enrolled person a higher chance of getting attached to this new language. On another hand, what we like to do is to include in the sessions well studied and structured Modules and every now and then we throw in small and fun quizzes, and no, not the ones we used to have back in school – we promise you we are different –. Our courses contain lessons and a lot of visuals that are very interesting to the kids aged 5 till the age of 13 as they have colors and are very eye catchy.

We have been recognized as the best online language course in the short period of 1 year and a half and we really appreciate having been entitled this as we come from a teaching background and we really know the struggles people have when it comes to learning something new in terms of a spoken language, and not only this, but also kids have the tendency to give up on such things pretty quickly, but we assure you this doesn’t and won’t happen with us. Another thing that makes us unique in this field is the fact that we get to know the student before preparing the course, we try to see what they like, their center of interest and manage to let them include this into our language learning tools so it becomes more interesting and fun.

We strongly believe that we should not judge Arabic as a hard language just because we weren’t taught to love it in school, we guarantee you to transmit our love for this language to your kids and everyone around us.

Thank you for trusting us and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022

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