going back to school

Prepare your kids for going back-to-school with these tips

Summer is almost done and it’s that time of year, the time of rejoice for parents and stress for kids. We all remember when we were kids how stressful we would get when September hits and it’s time to go back to school, to waking up early and to sit in a classroom full of people. The first weeks of school are considered to be full of anxiety for our kids especially after 3 months of careless schedules and happy moments. We utterly understand the need for parents to send their kids to school for a bit of quite time at home so they can get their things done, but we also need the kids to feel ready for this step, and therefore we come to you today with tips on how to prepare your kids for going back to school.

Adjust the sleep routine

In summer the nights are short and the days are long, and our kids don’t really have a night routine and are free to go to bed at whatever hour they see fit, but during school days this cannot be happening. What we suggest is to gradually, and we insist on gradually getting them in the mood for going back to school and nicely implementing set hours for bed, all while making it fun and interesting.

Work on a morning routine

The same goes for the morning routine; during their vacation they would wake up and jump in the pool and/or watch TV/tablets. This cannot happen during school days, thus what we recommend is to work on a list of things to do during the early hours of the day prior to starting school such as the first thing to do when they wake up is to freshen up by cleaning their face and brushing their teeth, and then having their breakfast and screen time would be little by little omitted from the list and replaced by school related things to do.

Get your child involved

There is nothing more interesting than learning about your child’s interests, and what best way to know more about your kid but to let them navigate the boat. Let them be in charge and let them choose their supplies for school. If the school doesn’t have a uniform let them choose their outfits and let them be independent. The more they feel secure about their choices the more you know they will feel at ease.

Organize play dates with their school mates

One of the most eager things our kids look for when going back to school is nothing but seeing their school friends. We highly recommend taking them to play dates with their friends from school, by doing so they will get back in touch with them and when they go back to school they would most definitely have something to talk about.

Create a studying space at home chosen by your child

Just like the school supplies and clothes choices, let them choose the most adequate space in the house and let it be their study space. Your child will feel safe and comfortable; he/she will look forward to coming back home to this particular space.

Make sure you remember that the hours the kids spend in school are fully loaded

Just like us when we go to work and come back home drained, these kids feel the same. Remember during the 7 hours spent in school the kids are actually over working themselves to absorb all the given information, and it is for us parents to understand that they are kids and not robots. What we mean is not to rush them to study right the second they step foot in the house, we should let them rest and relax before going back to studying.

We are their parents not their teachers

Our kids should separate school from home, and it is for us to work on this. We strongly advise parents not to interfere in school matters. Don’t get us wrong; what we mean is when the teacher tells you what happen at school don’t run scolding your child, let the school deal with what happened, because if you do your child will no longer trust the teacher and he/she will eventually won’t like to go to school. The teacher’s duty is just to keep you in the loop of what is happening.

We very much advise you to give yourself and your child some time and have a chat about school and what to expect. Remember, times have changed and the schools of today are not what they used to be back in our times. Always bear in mind that our kids are the generation of the internet, they know everything; which actually is a plus for us as we teach Arabic online and need them to like the internet and the world of the online. We as parents have to use our words wisely. Make sure you explain to them that school have kids of color, kids from different society backgrounds, from different cultures and countries; you should explain to your child that bullying is not acceptable and that they should accept everyone as they are.

Get in touch today and sign up for a free 30 minutes session with one of our instructors and make sure you ask them for more tips for going back to school; for more info call us on 96181701455, or email us at info@kalima-lessons.com or send your inquiry on our social media platforms and we’ll gladly help.

Happy school year.

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