acquiring the Arabic language

How to overcome difficulties that children face while acquiring the Arabic language

The Arabic language is so friendly, it even has a smiley face”, taking the 3rd letter in the Arabic alphabet which is the letter “ت” if you look at it, it gives you the impression that it is smiling at you. Based on this idea, we can see that the hardest language can be taught in a cute way that gets stuck in a child’s mind. And we at KALIMA live for that, all our teaching is based on the ideology of finding the easiest way to let our students love a long unloved language. In today’s article, we will be showing you how to overcome difficulties that children face while acquiring the Arabic language. 

First and foremost, we have always noticed that kids, especially the ones that are raised in a family with 2 different cultures, or maybe both parents are Arabs but live in a country where the first language is not Arabic, and that is the fear of speaking since the child is afraid of the mistake he/she is going to be doing or afraid of the judgment of others. Kids are right you know; the world of today judges without knowing the reason behind the situation. But we are fervent believers in making mistakes to learn. What we do is that we always ask our students to speak Arabic during the session even if the sentence is wrong or the use of words is not always correct. The fact that our teaching is online and it’s a one on one based class, the student is more at ease with this. The second solution we work accordingly is asking parents to speak in Arabic with their kids as much as possible. By doing this they will allow the child to practice this language and they will benefit from making mistakes and learning. 

A child usually loses interest in something that is not actively worked on, or taught in a non-interesting manner. With us rest assured that your child is given his lessons in the most fun way, promising you that not only will he love the language but also that he will want to attend for a longer time; we use the sing-a-song method, storytelling, and most importantly we allow the child to be free and speak his mind freely. We do encourage the parents to do the same; let your kids express themselves in any way they like using the Arabic language. Also when in the car play “I spy with my little eye” and let your kid explore and recognize.

We are well aware that in Arabic, one word can have several meanings, but when a word is dissected into parts and visualized for the child then everything becomes easier and clearer for him/her to understand and make use of. We always use visuals and pictures to explain, with this technique we will not only be working on making the child speak but also helping in recognizing things they see in their everyday life.

No matter what we do in life, we should always do it with love and passion; passion equals more positive results. Get in touch with us today through Facebook and Instagram or our website or by calling us on 96181701455. We are eager to share our love for Arabic with you all.

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