children to learn a new language

How can parents encourage their children to learn a new language?

Kids are rebellious, they are stubborn, and they always, and by always, I mean ALWAYS try to test our patience, and when it comes to learning a new language or anything new in general, we, as parents, are not spared. One of the most beautiful feelings in the world for a parent is to witness that the child is passing milestones and they are feeling proud about it. Walking, eating alone, laughing at something funny, and learning to speak and say words are what every parent has longed for ever since their little one turned one. No matter how easy things may seem to some a parent has to think about a million ways to make it even easier for their kids to acquire anything in the early stages of their lives. Today we wanted to make things easier for you and thought about giving out few tips for guiding your children to learn a new language; in our case, it’s learning the Arabic language in the most fun and interactive ways.

I spy with my little eye… 

There is no doubt whatsoever that wherever you are in this world you’ve been stuck in killer traffic on the road, so why not make a benefit out of it? Instead of having your kids scream at top of their lungs in the car and fight initiate a game! There is nothing more interesting than playing rounds of “I spy with my little eye.” Make sure your child is using the Arabic language, but most importantly, you’ve got to use it as well.

Knock-knock, who’s there?

We’ve all played knock-knock jokes, some may seem very lame, but have you ever tried playing it in Arabic with your child? There is nothing funnier than seeing your little one imitating their friends or parents and trying their best to make you guess who’s that! Let them use their imagination, we promise you to discover a new skill you never knew they had. We suggest you make it interesting even more by choosing easy words in Arabic and instead of making your kid guess a person, let him guess the object you are describing or talking about. Always by using the magical language that is Arabic.

“Blue’s clues” but the Arabic mama version!

We’ve all watched Blue’s Clues, and we all know how it goes. What about you make your house the blue’s clues studio and end up creating a nice and easy riddle for your little one, all by using the Arabic language? Why do we always advocate for mixing fun and games with learning, well because this is one of the techniques we use when we are giving our online Arabic session. During our online Arabic lessons, we make sure to always let your child want to know more by simply turning the online session into fun and games.

Let’s talk…

Kids are talkative people, they adore talking, THEY OPEN THEIR EYES AT 6H AM AND THEY START TALKING, instead of shushing them, why not give them a chance to empty their bags, have a morning chat with your kid in Arabic, let them express themselves as much as they know in the Arabic language and enjoy a discussion that results in a fun and memorable moments. Another skill we work on with your child during our one-on-one Arabic class is of speaking, we want them to express themselves freely and as much as they can.

Pictionary time

Let’s draw the picture for you here, it’s Friday evening, the kids have no plans and there’s no school tomorrow, mommy and daddy have the talent for drawing, so let us put this skill on the table and have a nice and fun night of Pictionary. Set yourselves in groups, each parent has a child partner, and let the fun begin.

I’ve forgotten how this story goes; can you narrate it for me so I can refresh my memory?

Here you are eventually testing both the memory of your kids and their Arabic language skills. Simply, tell them you’ve forgotten how the story goes and let them narrate it for you. Our tip for you here is to let them tell it as they know it, don’t correct them if the story is mixed up, and let them explore this on their terms.

For our kids to want to learn the Arabic language more, we’ve got to inspire them and be their guide, if we are with them along the way, we surely will have a positive impact on their likes and needs. Our motto in life is “inspire to aspire”, and we at KALIMA are always aiming at inspiring children and making them eager to learn the Arabic language.

For more info and guidance, feel free to contact us on our social media, by Email, or by leaving your message on our Website, and we’ll gladly get to your inquiry.

Recommended reads:
How to overcome difficulties that children face while acquiring the Arabic language – Kalima (

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